The English Civil War Society (ECWS) mustered in Chippenham in July and I rendezvoused with them to enjoy the day and continue my research into life in the mid seventeenth century. I did also have an ulterior motive of showing As the Sparks Fly Upwards to people, to get their interest and, potentially, to sell a few copies of the book.
It was great to speak to all the re-enactors and to look and touch the equipment and items that were on display.
Chippenham’s Monkton Park was a good venue for the day, being a large, open area in the centre of the town. It was large enough to accommodate the living history village and the battle re-enactment. I found it a weird juxtaposition to have a shopping centre just a few yards from the parading soldiers and the tents presenting seventeenth century skills. The previous events I’ve attended have been set some distance from the towns.
The weather was sunny, the mood was good-humoured and I was treated to a display of expert swordsmanship by Alan Knowles, who showed me the basics of swordplay from the period. My experience of weapons is from Phillipino martial arts (Kali), so it was fascinating to see and learn about the Historical English Martial Arts perspective. Definitely relevant for my character, Effra, in the Tom Tyler series of books I’m working on.
Other highlights included speaking to a lady dyer about woad, weld and madder, the main dying agents used in the seventeenth century. I particularly enjoyed handling a musket. That felt good. There were weavers, hurdlers (makers of hurdles, not jumping athletes) and military engineers among many reenactors sharing their love of the period. There is so much to learn. I need to get to more of these events, and hopefully, with the pandemic disrupting life a little less, that is a realistic possibility.
I also met another author, Charles Cordell. He has just published his first novel, set in the first Civil War, ‘God’s Vindictive Wrath’. It is published by Myrmidon Publishing, and is a great read, check out my book review for more info.
A thoroughly worthwhile day, and I sold a few books, too.